Our church is not built off the gifts of few but the sacrifices of many.
We don’t believe in pressured giving; We believe in predetermined giving.
If you would like to contribute to the vision of connect, you can do so through our website, in person or through the church center app. It’s simple to do and you can even setup recurring gifts if it’s more convenient for you.
Ways To Give:
Give online through our secure giving portal. You can give by credit card or an ACH transfer from your bank account. You can also set up recurring giving and see your giving history through this portal. At $.25 per transaction, ACH Giving is the least expensive solution for all involved. It’s even cheaper than writing a check.
You can provide a gift at any of our weekend services. You will notice however, that we don’t pass a plate or take a regular offering . We believe giving should be pre-determined and not done out of impulse or guilt, so simply drop your donation into the Connection Box.
Maybe you prefer to give by check. You can do it through the Bill Pay system at your local bank or simply by making your check payable to:
“Connect Church” and mailing it to:
60 Pleasant Street, Ashland, MA 01721.
If you would like to get creative and make a gift of stocks, mutual funds, real property, insurance annuities or some other creative asset, just contact the Connect office at office@weconnect.cc and we will help you make it happen.
Connect Church is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA) and the Governing Board has an annual audit conducted by an outside accounting firm.