The Giving Tree – Members Blessing Members
“Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." - Galatians 6:10
We invite you to bless members of our Connect community by purchasing gifts from our registry of hand selected items.
The Giving Tree is an annual tradition at Connect! Instead of an outreach, it is an “inreach” where church members have the opportunity to bless other members with gifts for Christmas. During the nomination phase, members help identify individuals and families from within the Connect Church community who could use a blessing. Nominees can be individuals, couples, or families; young, old, or in between; anyone who could use a blessing for whatever reason, and it is completely confidential. During the blessing phase, members purchase the gifts that were hand selected by the nominees. The gifts are sent to the Connect offices and are then distributed in time for Christmas. We invite you to join us in experiencing the blessing of bringing joy!
Nominate a family or individual from our Connect community– deadline November 3rd
Purchase gifts for Giving Tree – November 4th - December 8th
Experience the blessing of bringing joy!